Introduction: The nature and scope of environmental mineralogy

Research output: Chapter in Book/Conference proceedingChapterpeer-review


Minerals, as the inorganic solids that comprise the rocks, sediments and soils of the Earth, are an essential part of our environment. So, in a sense, all mineralogy is environmental mineralogy. However, the term environmental has come to be employed (particularly in combination with terms such as science, issue or problem) to refer to those systems at or near the surface of the Earth where the geosphere comes into contact with the hydrosphere, atmosphere and biosphere. This is, of course, the “environment” upon which the human race depends for survival, and which can be subject to disruptions due to human activity, particularly activity associated with the exploitation and utilisation of Earth’s resources. This is the sense in which we use the term environmental in this book. Thus, we consider here those systems containing minerals that constitute the most important or key environments: soils, modern sediments, atmospheric aerosols, and the interior or exterior parts of certain micro- and macro-organisms. Both pure systems and those contaminated as a result of human activity are considered. We also focus on certain specific problems that arise from resource exploitation or utilisation and that involve minerals in some way; either, or both, in creating the problem or ameliorating it. These include problems associated with the waste generated by mining, particularly mining of metals, industrial and domestic wastes, and those wastes produced by the nuclear industry. Particular problems can arise from use of minerals and rocks in buildings and monuments and other cultural artefacts. The relationship between minerals and human health constitutes a special case where the environment includes the human body itself.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationEnvironmental Mineralogy
EditorsDavid J. Vaughan, Roy A. Wogelius
Place of PublicationBudapest
PublisherEötvös Loránd University
Number of pages5
ISBN (Electronic)9780903056427
ISBN (Print)9634631339, 9789634631330
Publication statusPublished - 1 Jan 2000

Publication series

NameEuropean Mineralogical Union Notes in Minerology
PublisherMineralogical Society of Great Britain and Ireland
ISSN (Print)1417-2917


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