Isomers in neutron-rich A approximate to 190 nuclides from Pb-208 fragmentation

M Caamano, P M Walker, P H Regan, M Pfutzner, Z Podolyak, J Gerl, M Hellstrom, P Mayet, M N Mineva, A Aprahamian, J Benlliure, A M Bruce, P A Butler, D C Gil, D M Cullen, J Doring, T Enqvist, C Fox, J G Narro, H GeisselW Gelletly, J Giovinazzo, M Gorska, H Grawe, R Grzywacz, A Kleinbohl, W Korten, M Lewitowicz, R Lucas, H Mach, C D O'Leary, F De Oliveira, C J Pearson, F Rejmund, M Rejmund, M Sawicka, H Schaffner, C Schlegel, K Schmidt, K H Schmidt, P D Stevenson, C Theisen, F Vives, D D Warner, C Wheldon, H J Wollersheim, S Wooding, F Xu, O Yordanov

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


    Relativistic projectile fragmentation of Pb-208 has been used to produce isomers in neutron-rich, A approximate to 190 nuclides. A forward-focusing spectrometer provided ion-by-ion mass and charge identification. The detection of gamma-rays emitted by stopped ions has led to the assignment of isomers in Ta-188, W-190, Re-192, Re-193, Os-195, Ir-197, Ir-198, Pt-200, Pt-201, Pt-202 and Au-203, with half-lives ranging from approximately 10 ns to 1 ms. Tentative isomer information has been found also for Er-174, Er-175, Hf-185, Re-191, Re-194 and Ir-199. In most cases, time-correlated, singles gamma-ray events provided the first spectroscopic data on excited states for each nuclide. In Pt-200 and Pt-201. the assignments are supported by gamma-gamma coincidences. Isomeric ratios provide additional information, such as half-life and transition energy constraints in particular cases. The level structures of the platinum isotopes are discussed, and comparisons are made with isomer systematics.
    Original languageEnglish
    JournalEuropean Physical Journal A
    Issue number2
    Publication statusPublished - 2005


    • NUCLEI
    • PT-200


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