title = "Isomers in neutron-rich A approximate to 190 nuclides from Pb-208 fragmentation",
abstract = "Relativistic projectile fragmentation of Pb-208 has been used to produce isomers in neutron-rich, A approximate to 190 nuclides. A forward-focusing spectrometer provided ion-by-ion mass and charge identification. The detection of gamma-rays emitted by stopped ions has led to the assignment of isomers in Ta-188, W-190, Re-192, Re-193, Os-195, Ir-197, Ir-198, Pt-200, Pt-201, Pt-202 and Au-203, with half-lives ranging from approximately 10 ns to 1 ms. Tentative isomer information has been found also for Er-174, Er-175, Hf-185, Re-191, Re-194 and Ir-199. In most cases, time-correlated, singles gamma-ray events provided the first spectroscopic data on excited states for each nuclide. In Pt-200 and Pt-201. the assignments are supported by gamma-gamma coincidences. Isomeric ratios provide additional information, such as half-life and transition energy constraints in particular cases. The level structures of the platinum isotopes are discussed, and comparisons are made with isomer systematics.",
author = "M Caamano and Walker, {P M} and Regan, {P H} and M Pfutzner and Z Podolyak and J Gerl and M Hellstrom and P Mayet and Mineva, {M N} and A Aprahamian and J Benlliure and Bruce, {A M} and Butler, {P A} and Gil, {D C} and Cullen, {D M} and J Doring and T Enqvist and C Fox and Narro, {J G} and H Geissel and W Gelletly and J Giovinazzo and M Gorska and H Grawe and R Grzywacz and A Kleinbohl and W Korten and M Lewitowicz and R Lucas and H Mach and O'Leary, {C D} and {De Oliveira}, F and Pearson, {C J} and F Rejmund and M Rejmund and M Sawicka and H Schaffner and C Schlegel and K Schmidt and Schmidt, {K H} and Stevenson, {P D} and C Theisen and F Vives and Warner, {D D} and C Wheldon and Wollersheim, {H J} and S Wooding and F Xu and O Yordanov",
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year = "2005",
language = "English",
volume = "23",
journal = "European Physical Journal A",
issn = "1434-6001",
publisher = "Springer Nature",
number = "2",