Knowing Foucault, Knowing You: raced/classed and gendered subjectivities in the pedagogical state

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This article evaluates the continuing contemporary relevance of Foucauldian analyses for critical educational and social research practice. Framed around examples drawn from everyday cultural and educational practices, I argue that current intensifications of psychologisation under neoliberal capitalism not only produce and constrain increasingly activated and responsibilised educational subjects but do so via engaging particular versions of feminisation and racialization. Like Hacking's 'looping effect', Foucauldian ideas may themselves now figure within prevailing technologies of subjectivity but this means we need more, as well as more than, Foucault.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1-25
Number of pages24
JournalPedagogy, Culture and Society
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - Jul 2015


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