Laser spectroscopy of cooled zirconium fission fragments

P. Campbell, H. L. Thayer, J. Billowes, P. Dendooven, K. T. Flanagan, D. H. Forest, J. A R Griffith, J. Huikari, A. Jokinen, R. Moore, A. Nieminen, G. Tungate, S. Zemlyanoi, J. Äystö

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


    The use of a recently developed technique, involving the cooling and trapping of radioactive ions, that facilitates the optical study of refractory fission products is presented. As such, the first laser spectroscopic measurements on zirconium fission fragments from 96Zr to 102Zr are reported. Nuclear spins, I, magnetic moments, μ, spectroscopic quadrupole moments, Qs, and changes in nuclear mean-square charge radii, δ, are evaluated across the N=60 shape change.
    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)082501/4
    JournalPhysical Review Letters
    Issue number8
    Publication statusPublished - 19 Aug 2002


    • Dipole moment; Hyperfine splitting; Laser induced fluorescence; Nuclear spin; Quadrupole moment (laser induced fluorescence spectroscopy of cooled zirconium fission fragments); Fission products Role: PRP (Properties) (laser induced fluorescence spectroscopy of cooled zirconium fission fragments)


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