Lattice-spring modeling of graphite accounting for pore size distribution

Andrey P Jivkov, Craig Morrison, Gillian Smith, John R Yates

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Conference proceedingConference contributionpeer-review

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    Lattice models allow length scale dependent micro-structural features and damage mechanisms to be incorporated into analyses of mechanical behaviour. They are particularly suitable for modelling the fracture of nuclear graphite, where porosity generates local failures upon mechanical and thermal loading. Our recent 3D site-bond model is extended here by representing bonds with spring groups. Experimentally measured distributions of pore sizes in graphite are used to generate models with pores assigned to the bonds. Microscopic damage is represented by failure of normal and shear springs with different criteria based on force and pore size. Macroscopic damage is analysed for several loading cases. It is shown that, apart from uniaxial loading, the development of micro-failures yields damage-induced anisotropy in the material. This needs to be accounted for in constitutive laws for graphite behaviour in FEA of cracked reactor structures.
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationMSMF7
    Place of PublicationBrno
    Publication statusPublished - 1 Jul 2013
    Event7TH International Conference on MATERIALS STRUCTURE & MICROMECHANICS OF FRACTURE - Brno, Czech Republic
    Duration: 1 Jul 20133 Jul 2013


    Conference7TH International Conference on MATERIALS STRUCTURE & MICROMECHANICS OF FRACTURE
    CityBrno, Czech Republic


    • Nuclear graphite
    • Porosity
    • Meso-scale deformation
    • Micro-cracks
    • Macroscopic behaviour


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