Legal dilemmas for clinicians involved in the care and treatment of children and young people with mental disorder: Legal dilemmas and young patients with mental disorder

M. Bowers, B. Dubicka

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


    Background  The 2008 revised Mental Health Act Code of Practice describes the legal framework governing the admission to hospital and treatment of children and young people for mental disorders as complex. Clinicians are required to be conversant with common law principles as well as the Mental Health Act (MHA), Children Act, Mental Capacity Act (MCA), Family Law Reform Act, Human Rights Act, and the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child. Professionals working with the MHA and the MCA have a legal duty to have regard to the respective Codes of Practice (MHA Code and MCA Code). In addition there is a need to keep up-to-date with developments in case law. The recent guidance from the National Institute for Mental Health in England, ‘The Legal Aspects of the Care and Treatment of Children and Young People with Mental Disorder’ draws all of the legal regimes together and suggests pointers on the most appropriate course of action when the regimes overlap.

    Discussion  This paper will aim to highlight legal dilemmas relating to the care and treatment of under 18-year-olds for mental disorder and to discuss the impact of these on clinical practice. The new legal framework will be discussed with reference to hypothetical cases. Key issues include age and maturity, capacity, deprivation of liberty and the zone of parental control (ZPC).

    Conclusions  It is essential that clinicians are aware of their responsibilities within the new legal framework in order to avoid becoming a target for litigation. This paper is aimed at meeting the recommendation for clinicians to be aware of their responsibilities and engage in appropriate training.
    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)592-6
    Number of pages5
    JournalChild: Care, Health and Development
    Issue number4
    Publication statusPublished - 2009


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