Lichtheim 2: Synthesizing aphasia and the neural basis of language in a neurocomputational model of the dual dorsal-ventral language pathways

Taiji Ueno, Satoru Saito, Timothy T. Rogers, Matthew A. Lambon Ralph

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    Traditional neurological models of language were based on a single neural pathway (the dorsal pathway underpinned by the arcuate fasciculus). Contemporary neuroscience indicates that anterior temporal regions and the " ventral" language pathway also make a significant contribution, yet there is no computationally-implemented model of the dual pathway, nor any synthesis of normal and aphasic behavior. The " Lichtheim 2" model was implemented by developing a new variety of computational model which reproduces and explains normal and patient data but also incorporates neuroanatomical information into its architecture. By bridging the " mind-brain" gap in this way, the resultant " neurocomputational" model provides a unique opportunity to explore the relationship between lesion location and behavioral deficits, and to provide a platform for simulating functional neuroimaging data. © 2011 Elsevier Inc.
    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)385-396
    Number of pages11
    Issue number2
    Publication statusPublished - 20 Oct 2011


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