Limitations of depth-averaged modeling for shallow wakes

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    Large-scale horizontal vortical structures are generic features of shallow flows which are often modeled using the two-dimensional (2D) depth-averaged equations. Such modeling is investigated for the well-defined case of shallow wakes of a conical island of small side slope for which a three-dimensional (3D) boundary-layer (3DBL) model has previously been validated through comparison with experiment. The 3DBL model used a 3D, two-mixing-length, eddy-viscosity turbulence model with a vertical mixing length of classical Prandtl form and a horizontal mixing length some multiple of this. A multiple of six gave good predictions. This mixing length approach is reduced to depth-averaged form, giving a horizontal mixing length of about half the water depth. The shallow wakes may be vortex shedding or steady/stable and are conventionally defined by a stability parameter. The critical value above which a stable wake is formed is considerably overestimated by the depth-averaged model (for a range of mixing lengths) and the length of stable wake bubble is considerably underestimated. It seems likely that this is because the amplification of friction coefficient due to horizontal strain rates is not represented. However, when vortex shedding is prominent the 2D and 3DBL wake structures are quite similar. These results show, for example, the limitations of depth-averaged models for the prediction of solute dispersion. © 2006 ASCE.
    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)737-740
    Number of pages3
    JournalJournal of Hydraulic Engineering
    Issue number7
    Publication statusPublished - Jul 2006


    • Islands
    • Shallow water
    • Two-dimensional models
    • Vortex shedding


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