Liste der Populärnamen der Spinnen Deutschlands (Araneae)

Rainer Breitling, Eveline Merches, Christoph Muster, Katja Duske, Arno Grabolle, Michael Hohner, Christian Komposch, Martin Lemke, Michael Schafer, Theo Blick

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


List of German names for the spiders of Germany (Araneae). Common names play an important role in the efficient communication of scientific results in biology, for instance in the area of applied conservation science, in popular articles and in Citizen Science projects. Common names can increase the readability of texts aimed at the general public and increase the relatability of the described species. For many groups of invertebrates such names are not generally available and often there are no (published) lists of common names, resulting in different names being used for the same species, thus subverting the aims stated above. Here, we propose common German names for all spider genera and species recorded from Germany, and some whose occurrence is expected in this country. Many of these names are coined here for the first time.
Original languageGerman
JournalArachnologische Mitteilungen
Early online date20 Mar 2020
Publication statusE-pub ahead of print - 20 Mar 2020


  • common names
  • nomenclature

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