Magnetophonon spectroscopy of Dirac fermion scattering by transverse and longitudinal acoustic phonons in graphene

M. T. Greenaway, R. Krishna Kumar, P. Kumaravadivel, A. K. Geim, L. Eaves

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Recently observed magnetophonon resonances in the magnetoresistance of graphene are investigated using the Kubo formalism. This analysis provides a quantitative fit to the magnetophonon resonances over a wide range of carrier densities. It demonstrates the predominance of carrier scattering by low-energy transverse acoustic (TA) mode phonons: the magnetophonon resonance amplitude is significantly stronger for the TA modes than for the longitudinal acoustic (LA) modes. We demonstrate that the LA and TA phonon speeds and the electron-phonon coupling strengths determined from the magnetophonon resonance measurements also provide an excellent fit to the measured dependence of the resistivity at zero magnetic field over a temperature range of 4–150 K. A semiclassical description of magnetophonon resonance in graphene is shown to provide a simple physical explanation for the dependence of the magneto-oscillation period on carrier density. The correspondence between the quantum calculation and the semiclassical model is discussed.
Original languageEnglish
JournalPhysical Review B
Issue number15
Publication statusPublished - 10 Oct 2019


  • graphene
  • electron-phonon coupling
  • Quantum transport

Research Beacons, Institutes and Platforms

  • National Graphene Institute


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