Marine long-term biodiversity assessment suggests loss of rare species in the Skagerrak and Kattegat region

Matthias Obst, Saverio Vicario, Kennet Lundin, Matz Berggren, Anna Karlsson, Robert Haines, Alan Williams, Carole Goble, Cherian Mathew, Anton Güntsch

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Studies of cumulative and long-term effects of human activities in the ocean are essential for developing realistic conservation targets. Here, we report the results of a recent national marine biodiversity inventory along the Swedish West coast between 2004 and 2009. The expedition revisited many historical localities that have been sampled with the same methods in the early twentieth century. We generated comparable datasets from our own investigation and the historical data to compare species richness, abundance, and geographic distribution of diversity. Our analysis indicates that the benthic ecosystems in the region have lost a large part of its original species richness over the last seven decades. We find evidence that especially rare species have disappeared. This process has caused a more homogenized community structure in the region and diminished historical biodiversity hotspots. We argue that the contemporary lack of rare species in the benthic ecosystems of the Kattegat and Skagerrak offers less opportunity to respond to environmental perturbations in the future and suggest improving the poor representation of rare species in the region. The study shows the value of biodiversity inventories as well as natural history collections in investigations of accumulated effects of anthropogenic activities and for re-establishing species-rich, productive, and resilient
Original languageEnglish
JournalMarine Biodiversity
Early online date24 Jun 2017
Publication statusPublished - 2017


  • Benthic
  • Marine conservation
  • Shifting baselines
  • Biodiversity inventory
  • North East Atlantic


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