Mass spectrometry and decay spectroscopy of isomers across the Z=82 shell closure

J. Stanja, Ch Borgmann, J. Agramunt, A. Algora, D. Beck, K. Blaum, Ch Böhm, M. Breitenfeldt, T. E. Cocolios, L. M. Fraile, F. Herfurth, A. Herlert, M. Kowalska, S. Kreim, D. Lunney, V. Manea, E. Minaya Ramirez, S. Naimi, D. Neidherr, M. RosenbuschL. Schweikhard, G. Simpson, F. Wienholtz, R. N. Wolf, K. Zuber

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


    Recent results from a measurement campaign studying the isomerism in neutron-deficient Tl isotopes are presented. The measurements make use of a nuclear spectroscopy setup coupled to the high-resolution Penning-trap mass spectrometer ISOLTRAP at CERN's radioactive ion-beam facility ISOLDE. The mass values of 190,194Tl are improved and a mass-spin-state assignment is carried out. An additional mass measurement of the grandparent nuclide 198At allows the deduction of the spin-state ordering in 190Tl. As a result, the excitation energies of the isomers in both Tl isotopes are determined for the first time to Eex(194Tl)=260(15) keV and E ex(190Tl)=89(12) keV. Furthermore, this allows anchoring of the ground-state and isomer masses of 194Bi, 202Fr, and 206Ac, which are linked by two independent α-decay chains. © 2013 American Physical Society.
    Original languageEnglish
    Article number054304
    JournalPhysical Review C - Nuclear Physics
    Issue number5
    Publication statusPublished - 6 Nov 2013


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