Measurements of the Kr (e, 2e) differential cross section in the perpendicular plane, from 2 eV to 120 eV above the ionization threshold

Andrew James Murray, Joshua Rogers

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New (e, 2e) differential cross section measurements from krypton are presented in the perpendicular plane, where the incident electron beam is orthogonal to the scattered and ejected electrons that map out a detection plane. New data were obtained at incident energies from 30 eV to 120 eV above the ionization potential (IP) of 14 eV, the experiment being configured to detect scattered and ejected electrons with equal energy. The results are compared to previous measurements from 2 eV to 50 eV above the IP and to calculations from different models in this energy range. The new experiments confirm the results from previous measurements. The results are also compared to recent data for argon acquired under the same kinematic conditions, to highlight similarities and differences that are observed.
Original languageEnglish
JournalPhysical Review A
Publication statusAccepted/In press - 9 May 2023


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