Mechanical Properties and Durability Performance of Recycled Aggregate Concrete Containing Crumb Rubber

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Despite extensive research studies, recycled aggregates and worn-out tyres of motor vehicles
are still not fully reused and are hence disposed of in ways that are damaging to the environment.
Several studies have been carried out on recycled aggregate and rubberized concrete, but very limited
studies are conducted on rubber recycled aggregate concrete. This study focuses on the workability,
mechanical properties and durability performance of concrete made with 100% recycled aggregates
and crumb rubber at different replacement level (5%, 10%, 15% and 20%). The first stage of the study
covers the effect of incorporating crumb rubber at different concentration on the workability and
mechanical properties of recycled aggregate concrete. The results revealed that the workability and
mechanical properties of the recycled aggregate concrete can be used for structural applications when
5% of crumb rubber are used to replace recycled aggregates. The 28-days compressive strength of the
rubberized recycled aggregate concrete with 5% crumb rubber concentration is reduced by 21.1% and
32.8% when compared to recycled aggregate concrete and control concrete, respectively. The second
stage of the study assesses the durability performance of the recycled aggregate concrete with 5%
crumb rubber concentration. The 5% crumb rubber content for durability tests was considered because
the ultrasonic pulse velocity tests revealed that the quality of the recycled aggregate concrete is
questionable if the concentration of crumb rubber particles is beyond 5%. The durability performance
using the surface resistivity test also shows that the chloride ion penetration of recycled aggregates
concrete with 5% crumb rubber replacement is moderate using air dried curing technique and high
using the water bath curing method. Hence the study suggests the use of rubber recycled aggregate
concrete for applications were the exposure condition is not extreme.
Original languageEnglish
Article number1776
Publication statusPublished - 2022


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