title = "Mechanism of cellular interaction, binding and internalization of functionalized carbon nanotubes",
abstract = "The interaction between cells and carbon nanotubes (CNT) is a critical issue that will determine any future biological application of such structures. In this communication we will show that various types of functionalized-carbon nanotubes (f-CNT) exhibit a capacity to be uptaken by a wide range of cells (prokaryotic and eukaryotic) and can intracellularly traffick through different cellular barriers[1, 2] The mechanism by which f-CNT are able to cross cell membranes and deliver their cargo will also be discussed. Energy-independent mechanisms are explained based on the cylindrical shape and high aspect ratio of f-CNT that can allow their penetration through the plasma membrane, similar to a 'nanosyringe'[3].",
keywords = "Carbon nanotubes, Internalization mechanisms, Nanosyringe, Transmission electron microscopy",
author = "L. Lacerda and M. Prato and A. Bianco and K. Kostarelos",
note = "Times Cited: 0 Nanotechnology Conference and Trade Show (Nanotech 2008) JUN 01-05, 2008 Boston, MA Accelrys Software; Ace Glass; Advance Reprod Corp; Adv Mat Technologies Pte Ltd; Agilent Technologies; AIXTRON AG; AJA Int; ALM; Amuneal Mfg Corp; ANSYS; Anton Paar USA; Appl MicroStruct; Appl Surface Technologies; Arkalon Chem Technologies, LLC; Arkema Grp; Artech House Publishers; Asemblon; ASML; Asylum Res; AZoNano; Banner & Witcoff; Beckman Coulter; Bio Nano Counsulting; BioForce Nanosci; Boneer Corp; Birck Nanotechnol Ctr, Purdue Univ; Discovery Pk; Brookhaven Instruments Corp; Buchanan Ingersoll & Rooney PC; Buhler AG; Business Week; Calif NanoSyst Inst; Capovani Brothers; Los Alamos, Ctr Integrated Nanotechnologies; Sandia Natl Labs, Ctr Integrated Nanotechnologies; Oak Ridge Natl Lab, Ctr Nanophase Mat Sci; Argonne Natl Lab, Ctr Nanoscale Mat; Cheap tubes; Clean Technol & Sustainable Ind Org; COMSOL; Cooley Godward Kronish LLP; Core Technol Grp; CRESTEC Corp; CSEM; CVI Melles Griot; Dept Innovat, Ind, Sci & Res; Digital Matirx; Draiswerke; ETH Zurich; Eulitha AG; Marks & Clerk; Marubent Techno Syst Corp; Massachusetts Technol Transfer Ctr; Mat Res Soc; Merck & Co; Microfluidics; Micromerit Instrument Corp; Microtrac; MINAT 2008, Messe Stuttgart; Minus K Technol; Misonix; Lawrence Berkeley Natl Lab, Mol Foundry; Motorola; Nano Korea 2008; Nano Sci & Technol Inst`; nano tech 2009 Japan; Nano Technol Res Assoc Korea; NanoAndMore USA; NanoDynamics; NanoEurope 2008; NanoInk; Nanomotion; Nanon Imaging Ltd; NANOSENSORS; Nanosyst Initiat Munich; Nanotech No Europe 2008; nano Tox; Nano World AG`; NCI; Natl Inst Stand & Technol; NIH; Natl Nanomfg Network; Natl Nanotechnol Infrastruct, GATech, Microelect Res Ctr; Nat Nano; Nat Publishing Grp; NETZSCH Fine Particle Technol LLC; NIL Technol ApS; Novomer; NTT Adv Technol Corp; Olympus Ind Amer; OSEC, Business Network Switzerland; Oxford Instruments; Particle Technol Labs; Penn State Univ; Photon Spectra; Physik Instrumente LP; picoDrill SA; Piezo Inst; PVD Prod; Q Sense; Quantum Analyt; Raith USA; European Patent Off; Evans Analyt Grp; EXAKT Technologies; First Nano; Flow Sci; FDA; Goodwin Procter LLP; Greater Houston Partnership; Greenberg Traurig LLP; Halcyonics; Headwaters Technol Innovat LLC; Heidelberg Instruments; Hielscher USA; HighNano Analyti; Hiscock & Barclay LLP; Hitachi High Technologies Amr; Hochschule Offenburg Univ Appl Sci; HOCKMEYER Equipment Corp; HORIBA Jobin Yvon; IBU tec adv mat GmbH; IDA Ireland; ImageXpert; Inspec, Inc; IEEE, Inst Nanoscale & Quantum Sci & Technol Adv Res; IntelliSense Software Corp; Invest Germany; IOP Publishing; Italian Trade Commiss; JENOPTIK; Justus Liebig Univ; KAUST; Keithley Instruments; Kelvin Nanotechnol Ltd; Kodak; Kotobuki Ind Co, Ltd; Lake Shore Cryotron; MACRO M, NanoClay; Res Germany Land Ideas; RKS Legal Solut LLC; Dandia Natl Labs; Scottish Enterprise; SEMTech Solut; Serendip; Silvix Corp; SNS Nano Fiber Technol LLC; SoftMEMS LLC; Son & Mat; SW Nano Technologies; Specialty Coating Syst; Spectrum Labs; SPEX SamplePrep LLC; Springer; Sterne, Kessler, Goldstein & Fox PLLC; Strem Chem; Sukgyung A T Co, Lts; Surrey NanoSyst; SUSS MicroTec; Swissnanotech Pavilion; Taylor & Francis Grp LLC, CRC Press; TechConnect; Technovel Corp; Tekna Plasma Syst; Thinky Corp; Thomas Swan & Co Ltd; UGL Unicco; UK Trade & Investment; UniJet; Univ Muenster; Univ Appl Sci; Univ Duisburg, Ctr Nanointegrat Duisburg; Vecco Instruments; Wasatch Mol Inc; Weidmann Plast Technol; Whiteman Osterman & Hanna LLP; Willy A Bachofen AG; WITec GmbH; World Gold Council",
year = "2008",
language = "English",
isbn = "9781420085075",
volume = "2",
series = "Nsti Nanotech 2008, Vol 2, Technical Proceedings",
publisher = "CRC Press",
pages = "232--325",
booktitle = "Nanotechnology 2008: life science, medicine, and bio materials.",
address = "United States",