Medical professionalism education for psychiatry trainees: Does it meet standards?

A.B. Joiner, N. Husain, V. Duddu, I.B. Chaudhry

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


    Developing professionalism is an important part of a doctor’s training. Developing professional attributes is an expected part of postgraduate psychiatry training, as indicated by the curriculum. It is unknown whether this requirement is being met. Our aim was to explore whether psychiatry trainees are meeting current standards of professionalism education.

    This audit and evaluation was investigated using an online survey, inviting trainees from three National Health Service Trusts in North West England. Invitations were sent by email with a link to an online survey.

    The results suggest that current standards are not being met. Trainees value professionalism education and feel it is important. However, there is a lack of formal teaching and a lack of adequate educational opportunities: 25% of trainees get any formal teaching and 78% feel this teaching is not adequate. There is also a concern that 20% of supervisors are not considered good role models.

    Recommendations to address this educational gap are presented. Recommendations include making time in trainees’ academic programmes for formal educational activities for professionalism development, and further exploration of why some supervisors are not considered good role models for professionalism.
    Original languageEnglish
    JournalAustralasian Psychiatry
    Publication statusPublished - 2 Apr 2015


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