Merlin++ 5.02: 5.02

Robert Appleby, Roger Barlow, Adriana Bungau, James Fallon, Dirk Kruecker, James Molson, Haroon Rafique, Scott Rowan, Maurizio Serluca, Kyrre Ness Sjøbæk, Adina Toader, Samuel Tygier, Nick Walker, A Wolski

    Research output: Non-textual formSoftware


    Merlin++ is an accelerator simulation program that tracks beams through components of a ring or beamline. Merlin++ is written in C++, and unlike MAD and most other packages, it is actually a library of C++ routines. The user writes their own program and compiles it against the MERLIN class definitions and function libraries.
    Original languageEnglish
    Media of outputOnline
    Size16.9 MB
    Publication statusPublished - 19 Mar 2019


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