Microstructural compositional, and optical characterization of GaN grown by metal organic vapor phase epitaxy on ZnO epilayers

Duncan Mcgrouther, D. J. Rogers, F. Hosseini Teherani, T. Moudakir, S. Gautier, F. Jomard, M. Molinari, M. Troyon, D. McGrouther, J. N. Chapman, M. Razeghi, A. Ougazzaden

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


    This article presents the results of microstructural, compositional, and optical characterization of GaN films grown on ZnO buffered c -sapphire substrates. Transmission electron microscopy showed epitaxy between the GaN and the ZnO, no degradation of the ZnO buffer layer, and no evidence of any interfacial compounds. Secondary ion mass spectroscopy revealed negligible Zn signal in the GaN layer away from the GaN/ZnO interface. After chemical removal of the ZnO, room temperature (RT) cathodoluminescence spectra had a single main peak centered at ∼368 nm (∼3.37 eV), which was indexed as near-band-edge (NBE) emission from the GaN layer. There was no evidence of the ZnO NBE peak, centered at ∼379 nm (∼3.28 eV), which had been observed in RT photoluminescence spectra prior to removal of the ZnO. © 2009 American Vacuum Society.
    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)1655-1657
    Number of pages2
    JournalJournal of Vacuum Science and Technology B:Nanotechnology and Microelectronics
    Issue number3
    Publication statusPublished - 2009


    • buffer layers
    • cathodoluminescence
    • gallium compounds
    • III-V semiconductors
    • II-VI semiconductors
    • MOCVD
    • photoluminescence
    • secondary ion mass spectra
    • semiconductor epitaxial layers
    • semiconductor growth
    • transmission electron microscopy
    • vapour phase epitaxial growth
    • wide band gap semiconductors
    • zinc compounds


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