Microstructural evolution in doped high entropy alloys NiCoFeCr-3X (X=Pd/Al/Cu) under irradiation

Sriswaroop Dasari, Boopathy Kombaiah, Jonathan Poplawsky, Mukesh Bachhav, Philip Edmondson, Hongbin Bei, Rahul Kancharla, Yanwen Zhang

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Commonly studied equatomic single-phase FCC high entropy alloys based on 3d transition metals like NiCoFeCr do not provide adequate strength and radiation resistance at high doses for nuclear structural applications. In the current study, the major alloying effects like lattice distortion, ordering and clustering tendencies were investigated by adding low concentration of Pd, Al, or Cu respectively to study the doping effects on the ion irradiation response of NiCoFeCr alloy. The alloys were irradiated with 3 MeV Ni2+ ions at 500 °C to a fluence of 1 × 1017/cm2 at a beam flux of approximately 2.8 × 1012 ions/cm2/s. The microstructural evolution upon irradiation i.e., formation of dislocation networks, radiation induced segregation and precipitation, and void formation were studied in detail. Post-irradiation characterization results showed that a Pd addition leads to a high void nucleation rate but controlled void growth, which may be attributed to increased lattice distortion. In Al added HEA, our microstructural analysis indicates that radiation induced ordered L12 precipitates do not affect void swelling significantly. Cu addition led to Cu precipitation that drastically suppressed dislocation density and void swelling of the alloy. Additionally, a model was developed to qualitatively describe the trend in void swelling of typical FCC alloys under ion irradiation. This model was able to qualitatively explain the suppression and reappearance of void swelling in ion irradiated alloys that generally occurs near the region with peak implanted ion concentration.
Original languageEnglish
Article number155194
JournalJournal of Nuclear Materials
Early online date28 May 2024
Publication statusPublished - 1 Sept 2024


  • High entropy alloys
  • Irradiation
  • Alloying
  • Void swelling
  • Modeling


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