Middle Pleistocene glacier behaviour in the Mediterranean: Sedimentological evidence from the Pindus Mountains, Greece

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Detailed sedimentological analyses of diamicton sequences in two areas of the Pindus Mountains, Greece, indicate multiple episodes of glacier advance and retreat during cold stages of the Middle-Pleistocene. These glacial sequences represent some of the most southerly in Europe and are important archives of regional and global climate change. The Pindus glaciers were relatively small by world standards and would have been highly responsive to changes in air temperature and precipitation. On Mount Tymphi, at least three phases of glacier advance are recorded within deposits assigned to the Skamnellian Stage (MIS 12). Further north on Mount Smolikas, a thick multiple diamicton sequence records evidence for multiple glacier advances during both the Skamnellian Stage and the Vlasian Stage (MIS 6). These records highlight the dynamic nature of glacier behaviour in the Mediterranean mountains during the Middle Pleistocene and provide new evidence for unstable cold stage climates.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)857-867
Number of pages10
JournalJournal of the Geological Society
Issue number5
Publication statusPublished - Sept 2006


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