Modelling of Likely Sclerotinia Disease Incidence in Oilseed rape Fields in the United Kingdom

Bruce Grieve, Patrick Jackman, Jonathan West, Thierry Varraillon, Gail Canning, Stephanie Heard, Najib Lawal

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    Experiments to measure and quantify airborne spores of Sclerotinia sclerotiorum in oilseed rape fields was undertaken in a specially sown field at Rothamsted Research (Hertfordshire, UK). Airborne ascospore concentrations were estimated by quantifying the DNA of Sclerotinia sclerotiorum present on daily samples (waxed tapes) retrieved from Hirst-type spore trapping devices. The corresponding weather data was taken from a climate station in the field and another 1 kilometre away. This data was used to test an existing model of disease incidence and can be used to inform growers of the right time
    to spray their crops. Inoculum, sclerotia of Sclerotinia sclerotiorum were deliberately planted in a ring at the centre of the field-site the previous autumn. In the early spring, the trapping devices were placed in the centre of the ring and operated continuously to provide a record of spore presence. Air samples were sent to a laboratory in Rothamsted Research for DNA extraction and qPCR measurement. In parallel, the measured weather data and also information about the Rothamsted field was used to predict the likelihood of spore
    release according to the “Raiso-Sclero” model. The qPCR readings of spore presence were successfully recorded and inputted into the various models. The Raiso-Sclero model was successful at identifying the important periods of spore release however it provides a substantial number of false positives. The model gives growers valuable information on when disease incidence is likely to occur
    and can lead to more efficient crop spraying regimes.
    Original languageEnglish
    Publication statusPublished - 27 Jun 2013
    EventEFITA 2013 Conference, Torino, Italy: Sustainable Agriculture through ICT innovation - Torino, Italy
    Duration: 23 Jul 201327 Jul 2013


    ConferenceEFITA 2013 Conference, Torino, Italy


    • Crop protection, Sclerotinia, Oilseed rape, United Kingdom, Modeling,


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