Monensin-dependent and -independent mechanisms of cell-matrix adhesion

Veronica M. Niven, John D. Aplin

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


    Attachment and spreading of human FL cells on a subcellular matrix (SCM) preparation made by treating confluent cell monolayers with deoxycholate are insensitive to the presence of monensin. However, if the cell suspension is surface-iodinated prior to adhesion using the LPO/H2O2 system, cell spreading on SCM is inhibited by 1 μM monensin. The suggested interpretation is that cell surface components required for cell spreading on SCM are inactivated by iodination and need replacement from intracellular reserves by a monensin-sensitive pathway. This pathway is not required in the absence of iodination when sufficient surface components (or a monensin-independent pathway of surface expression) are available. Support for this interpretation is obtained by means of double-iodination experiments in which surface-labelled cells adhere and spread, are detached and labelled a second time and then allowed to adhere again to SCM. Cell spreading in the second case is inhibited by ~ 80%, suggesting that both previously expressed and newly recruited receptors are inactivated. © 1985.
    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)141-144
    Number of pages3
    JournalFEBS Letters
    Issue number2
    Publication statusPublished - 2 Dec 1985


    • Adhesion
    • Extracellular matrix
    • Monensin
    • Surface labeling


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