
David Berezan (Composer)

Research output: Non-textual formComposition


Moorings is the second piece in my series of works that explores maritime soundworlds. The first, Buoy (2011), was concerned with sounds, environments and concepts arising from sea buoys. Moorings, on the other hand, develops a music and soundworld out of the sounds of maritime vessels' mooring rings, lines (or hawsers) and chains, as well as the sounds of boat hulls moving against the different kinds of bumpers found alongside docks and piers, boat engines and the interaction of water in, around and underneath harbour berths and vessels. All sound material used in the work was recorded in Visby Harbour (Gotland, Sweden) in 2012 and the work was completed in the electroacoustic music studios at the Visby International Centre for Composers (VICC, Sweden), EMS in Stockholm (Sweden) and University of Manchester (UK). Premiered at the MANTIS 10-years Festival (Manchester, 2014) with subsequent performances at Salford, Belfast, Denton (Texas), Basel and Montpellier.
Original languageEnglish
PublisherUniversity of Manchester
Publication statusPublished - 2 Mar 2014
Eventother; 2014-03-02 - MANTIS (Manchester Theatre in Sound), University of Manchester.
Duration: 2 Mar 2014 → …


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