Near Infra-Red Chemical Species Tomography of Sprays of Volatile Hydrocarbons

F. P. Hindle, S. J. Carey, K. B. Ozanyan, D. E. Winterbone, E. Clough, H. McCann

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


    We report an All-Opto-Electronic tomography system that is sensitive to hydrocarbon vapour distribution, or liquid spray distribution, with temporal resolution of over 3000 frames per second. A tomography system comprising 32 channels has been built and tested. For chemical sensitivity to saturated hydrocarbons, we exploit the principle of Near Infra-Red (NIR) absorption at 1700 nm relative to a reference wavelength, using laser diode sources whose technology is based on that of the communications industry. Images are obtained from a laboratory set-up incorporating both gaseous injection and a liquid Gasoline Direct Injection (GDI) system. The performance of a prototype system on a running GDI engine is reported. The difficulty in performing concentration measurements of the gaseous fuel within the liquid spray region is shown, and means to improve this performance are discussed. However, it has been found possible to image the liquid spray cone using attenuation of the reference beam. These images correlate well with other techniques [1].
    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)352-357
    Number of pages5
    JournalTechnisches Messen
    Issue number7-8
    Publication statusPublished - Jul 2002


    • Combustion
    • Engine
    • Hydrocarbons
    • Infrared absorption
    • Tomography


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