Neural networks as a decision support system for the decision to bid process

Jamshid Parvar, David Lowe, Margaret Emsley, Roy Duff, A Akintoye (Editor)

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionpeer-review

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Neural networks are information processing systems that can automate semi-structured knowledge domains. Neural networks complement and enhance the capabilities of conventional systems in order to increase productivity in a given domain. Research into the application of neural networks in the construction industry indicates the maturity of the technology and the system development approach. In order to have practical application and contribute to the notion of wealth creation in society, research must be focused on transferring the know-how acquired through research to the industry. The paper recommends involving the end users throughout the system development process, and creating an environment within which direct and indirect learning can be achieved by practitioners. An example of this approach, which develops a decision support system for the decision to bid process, is described and evaluated.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationThe proceedings of the 16th Annual ARCOM Conference
EditorsA Akintoye
Number of pages9
Publication statusPublished - 2000
Event16th Annual ARCOM Conference - Glasgow Caledonian University
Duration: 6 Sept 20008 Sept 2000


Conference16th Annual ARCOM Conference
CityGlasgow Caledonian University
Internet address


  • bidding; decision support system; neural networks


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