Neuropilin-1 binds vascular endothelial growth factor 165, placenta growth factor-2, and heparin via its b1b2 domain

Roni Mamluk, ZE'Ev Gechtman, Matthew E. Kutcher, Nijole Gasiunas, John Gallagher, Michael Klagsbrun

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    Neuroplin-1 (NRP1), a receptor for vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) family members, has three distinct extracellular domains, ala2, b1b2, and c. To deermine the VEGF165 and placenta growth factor 2 (PlGF-2)-binding sites of NRP1, recombinant NRP1 domains were expressed in mammalian cells as Myc-tagged, soluble proteins, and used in co-precipitation experiments with 125I-VEGF165 and 125I-PlGF-2. Anti-Myc antibodies immunoprecipitated 125I-VEGF165 and 125I-PlGF-2 in the presence of the b1b2 but not of the ala2 and c domains. Neither b1 nor b2 alone was capable of binding 125I-VEGF165. In competition experiments, VEGF165 competed PlGF-2 binding to the NRP1 b1b2 domain, suggesting that the binding sites of VEGF165 and PlGF-2 overlap. The presence of the ala2 domain greatly enhanced VEGF165 but not PlGF-2 binding to b1b2. Heparin enhanced the binding of both 125I-VEGF165 and 125I-PlGF-2 to the b1b2 domain by 20- and 4-fold, respectively. A heparin chain of at least 20-24 monosaccharides was necessary for binding. In addition, the b1b2 domain of NRP1 could bind heparin directly, requiring heparin oligomers of at least 8 mono-saccharide units. It was concluded that an intact b1b2 domain serves as the VEGF165-, PlGF-2-, and heparin binding sites in NRP1, and that heparin is a critical component for regulating VEGF165 and PlGF-2 interactions with NRP1 by physically interacting with both receptor and ligands.
    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)24818-24825
    Number of pages7
    JournalJournal of Biological Chemistry
    Issue number27
    Publication statusPublished - 5 Jul 2002


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