New Indicators on Fabric Drape Evaluation Based on Three-dimensional Model

Zhicai Yu , Yueqi Zhong, Hugh Gong, Hangyang Xie

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To evaluate the ability of woven fabrics to drape in a more accurate way, a three-dimensional point cloud of a draped woven fabric was captured via an in-house drape-scanner in this study. A new indicator, i.e., Total Drape Angle (TDA), was proposed based on the three-dimensional fabric drape to characterize the ability of a woven fabric to drape. The relationship between TDA and Drape Coefficient (DC) was analyzed to validate the performance of TDA. The result indicated that TDA is more stable and representative than the traditional DC in characterizing the ability of a woven fabric to drape. In addition, the distribution function of drape angle (DADF) of the triangular mesh was employed to describe fabric drape, as well as to bridge the gap between drape configuration and the warp bending rigidity of woven fabric. The result shows that the correlation coefficient between the real value of warp bending rigidity and the predicted warp bending rigidity based on DADF and fabric weight is 0.952.
Original languageEnglish
JournalTextile Research Journal
Early online date22 Nov 2019
Publication statusPublished - 2019


  • fabric drape
  • three-dimensional scanning
  • total drape angle
  • drape coefficient


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