New Measurement of Compton Scattering from the Deuteron and an Improved Extraction of the Neutron Electromagnetic Polarizabilities

L.S. Myers, J.R.M. Annand, J. Brudvik, G. Feldman, K.G. Fissum, H.W. Grießhammer, K. Hansen, S.S. Henshaw, L. Isaksson, R. Jebali, M.A. Kovash, M. Lundin, J.A. McGovern, D.G. Middleton, A.M. Nathan, D.R. Phillips, B. Schröder, S.C. Stave

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


    The electromagnetic polarizabilities of the nucleon are fundamental properties that describe its response to external electric and magnetic fields. They can be extracted from Compton-scattering data --- and have been, with good accuracy, in the case of the proton. In contradistinction, information for the neutron requires the use of Compton scattering from nuclear targets. Here we report a new measurement of elastic photon scattering from deuterium using quasimonoenergetic tagged photons at the MAX IV Laboratory in Lund, Sweden. These first new data in more than a decade effectively double the world dataset. Their energy range overlaps with previous experiments and extends it by 20 MeV to higher energies. An analysis using Chiral Effective Field Theory with dynamical \Delta(1232) degrees of freedom shows the data are consistent with and within the world dataset. After demonstrating that the fit is consistent with the Baldin sum rule, extracting values for the isoscalar nucleon polarizabilities and combining them with a recent result for the proton, we obtain the neutron polarizabilities as \alpha_n = [11.55 +/- 1.25(stat) +/- 0.2(BSR) +/- 0.8(th)] X 10^{-4} fm^3 and \beta_n = [3.65 -/+ 1.25(stat) +/- 0.2(BSR) -/+ 0.8(th)] X 10^{-4} fm3, with \chi^2 = 45.2 for 44 degrees of freedom.
    Original languageEnglish
    Article number262506
    JournalPhysical Review Letters
    Publication statusPublished - 31 Dec 2014


    • neutron
    • Compton
    • polarizabilities


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