Nodal three-dimensional woven textiles

Xiaogang Chen, Lindsey Waterton Taylor

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapter


    Truss configurations provide a reinforcing structure from the inherent geometrical assembly of its strut members, either in a two-dimensional (2D) plane, known as a planar truss structure or a three-dimensional (3D) form when combining numerous 2D truss configurations within one complete structure. The nodal 3D woven structures (N3DWS's) are developed from the concept of the 2D planar truss and 3D weaving based on the conventional weaving technology. Combining the 3D solid and hollow woven structures and the weaving principles allows the N3DWS to be designed and manufactured as an important type of 3D textile for various end market applications requiring planar truss configurations.The N3DWS is closely related to its end use, and its market application is established via the raw materials in yarn form. The N3DWS's truss configuration is limited only by the weaving technology employed. The N3DWS's design principles, production of and end application will be discussed throughout the chapter.
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationAdvances in 3D textiles
    Place of PublicationUK
    PublisherWoodhead Publishing
    Number of pages24
    ISBN (Print)9781782422143
    Publication statusPublished - 1 Jun 2015


    • 3D woven nodal structures; reinforcement; weave design and production; woven planar truss configurations


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