Numerical assessment of novel helical/spiral grafts with improved hemodynamics for distal graft anastomoses

Foad Kabinejadian, Michael McElroy, Andres Ruiz-Soler, Hwa Liang Leo, Mark A. Slevin, Lina Badimon, Amir Keshmiri

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In the present work, numerical simulations were conducted for a typical end-to-side distal graft anastomosis to assess the effects of inducing secondary flow, which is believed to remove unfavourable flow environment. Simulations were carried out for four models, generated based on two main features of 'out-of-plane helicity' and 'spiral ridge' in the grafts as well as their combination. Following a qualitative comparison against in vitro data, various mean flow and hemodynamic parameters were compared and the results showed that helicity is significantly more effective in inducing swirling flow in comparison to a spiral ridge, while their combination could be even more effective. In addition, the induced swirling flow was generally found to be increasing the wall shear stress and reducing the flow stagnation and particle residence time within the anastomotic region and the host artery, which may be beneficial to the graft longevity and patency rates. Finally, a parametric study on the spiral ridge geometrical features was conducted, which showed that the ridge height and the number of spiral ridges have significant effects on inducing swirling flow, and revealed the potential of improving the efficiency of such designs.
Original languageEnglish
Article numbere0165892
JournalP L o S One
Issue number11
Publication statusPublished - 18 Nov 2016


  • Anastomosis; Bypass Graft; CFD; Hemodynamics; Helical Flow; Prosthetic Graft; Spiral Flow.


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