On Bayesian spatio-temporal modeling of oceanographic climate characteristics

Madhuchhanda Bhattacharjee, Snigdhansu Chatterjee

Research output: Chapter in Book/Conference proceedingChapterpeer-review


Recent change in the planet’s climate conditions is a matter of great concern, owing to its potential devastating effects for all life forms. A thorough study of climate variables should inform us about possible patterns of the climate of this planet, which further goes on to inform and guide policy decisions relating to adaptation and mitigation strategies to counter climate change, better management of resources, risk management, and for a better quality of life for all. Many of these aspects relate to extremes as well as typical values of climate variables. Consequently, it is of interest to obtain the joint distribution of the several climate variables. Owing to the complex dependence patterns possible in such joint distributions, a Bayesian modeling of the data is needed. Moreover, using Bayesian methodologies in the climate field also allows for systematic, coherent and simple treatment of Physics-driven known relations and constraints, combining multiple sources of data of varying size, dimensions and precision.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationCurrent Trends in Bayesian Methodology with Applications
EditorsSatyanshu K. Upadhyay, Umesh Singh, Dipak K. Dey, Appaia Loganathan
Place of PublicationNew York
PublisherChapman and Hall and CRC
Number of pages20
ISBN (Electronic)9780429172373
Publication statusPublished - 7 Aug 2015

Publication series

NameCurrent Trends in Bayesian Methodology with Applications


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