On the Outage Probability of MIMO Full-Duplex Relaying : Impact of Antenna Correlation and Imperfect CSI

Ahmed Almradi, Khairi Hamdi

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    This paper analyzes the performance of multipleinput
    multiple-output (MIMO) full-duplex (FD) relaying systems,
    where the source and destination nodes are equipped with
    single antenna and communicating via a dual-hop amplify-andforward
    (AF) relay with multiple receive and transmit antennas.
    The system performance due to practical wireless transmission
    impairments of spatial fading correlation and imperfect channel
    state information (CSI) is investigated. At the relay, the loopback
    self-interference (LI) is mitigated by using receive zero-forcing
    (ZF) precoding scheme, then steering the signal to the destination
    by using maximum-ratio transmission (MRT) technique. To this
    end, new exact closed-form expressions for the outage probability
    are derived, where the case of arbitrary, exponential, and no
    correlations are considered. Meanwhile, for a better system
    performance insights, simpler outage probability lower-bound
    expressions are also included, through which the acheiveable
    diversity order of the receive ZF/MRT scheme is shown to be
    min (NR 􀀀 1; NT ), where NR and NT are the number of relay
    receive and transmit antennas, respectively. Numerical results
    sustained by Monte Carlo simulations show the exactness and
    tightness of the proposed closed-form exact and lower-bound
    expressions, respectively. In addition, it is seen that the outage
    probability performance of FD relaying outperforms that of the
    conventional half-duplex (HD) relaying at low to medium signalto-
    noise ratio (SNR). However, at high SNR, the performance of
    HD relaying outperforms that of the FD relaying. Furthermore, in
    the presence of channel estimation errors, an outage probability
    error floor is seen at high SNR. Therefore, for optimum outage
    performance, hybrid relaying modes is proposed which switches
    between HD and FD relaying modes.
    Original languageEnglish
    JournalIEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology
    Issue number99
    Early online date24 Aug 2016
    Publication statusPublished - 2016


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