Optimization and realization of planar isolated GaAs zero-biased planar doped barrier diodes for microwave/millimeter-wave power detectors/sensors

Tuyen Van Vo, Zhirun Hu

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


    A high tangential signal sensitivity (TSS) zero-bias GaAs planar doped barrier (PDB) diode for microwave and millimeter-wave power detection applications is presented. The fabricated PDB diodes have shown 4 dB better TSS at 35 GHz than that of reported devices, considerably increasing the minimum detectable power and widening the dynamic range. The high TSS was obtained by optimizing the PDB layer structures, namely, the δ-doped P ++ layer and the two intrinsic layers, and by employing ion bombardment to better define the device and reduce parasitic effects. The isolation properties of ion bombarded epitaxial layers on GaAs substrates were examined and optimized to have a sheet resistivity of 10 8 Ω/sq. The temperature dependence of the barrier height of the PDB diode has been investigated experimentally, showing positive temperature coefficient and, hence, better thermal stability. We have also defined the critical barrier height and derived its analytical expression, which gives the theoretically lowest possible barrier height of a PDB diode. © 2006 IEEE.
    Original languageEnglish
    Article number1717750
    Pages (from-to)3836-3842
    Number of pages6
    JournalIEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques
    Issue number11
    Publication statusPublished - Nov 2006


    • Ion bombardment
    • Planar doped barrier (PDB) diodes power detectors and sensors
    • Tangential signal sensitivity (TSS)


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