Optimized setup and protocol for magnetic domain imaging with in Situ hysteresis measurement

Jun Liu*, John Wilson, Claire Davis, Anthony Peyton

*Corresponding author for this work

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


    This paper elaborates the sample preparation protocols required to obtain optimal domain patterns using the Bitter method, focusing on the extra steps compared to standard metallographic sample preparation procedures. The paper proposes a novel bespoke rig for dynamic domain imaging with in situ BH (magnetic hysteresis) measurements and elaborates the protocols for the sensor preparation and the use of the rig to ensure accurate BH measurement. The protocols for static and ordinary dynamic domain imaging (without in situ BH measurements) are also presented. The reported method takes advantage of the convenience and high sensitivity of the traditional Bitter method and enables in situ BH measurement without interrupting or interfering with the domain wall movement processes. This facilitates establishing a direct and quantitative link between the domain wall movement processes–microstructural feature interactions in ferritic steels with their BH loops. This method is anticipated to become a useful tool for the fundamental study of microstructure–magnetic property relationships in steels and to help interpret the electromagnetic sensor signals for non-destructive evaluation of steel microstructures.

    Original languageEnglish
    Article numbere56376
    Number of pages8
    JournalJournal of Visualized Experiments
    Issue number129
    Publication statusPublished - 7 Nov 2017


    • BH loop
    • Bioengineering
    • Bitter method
    • Domain wall movement
    • Dynamic domain imaging
    • In situ
    • Issue 129
    • Magnetic domain
    • Steel


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    • Electromagnetic Sensing Group

      Peyton, A. (PI), Fletcher, A. (Researcher), Daniels, D. (CoI), Conniffe, D. (PGR student), Podd, F. (PI), Davidson, J. (Researcher), Anderson, J. (Support team), Wilson, J. (Researcher), Marsh, L. (PI), O'Toole, M. (PI), Watson, S. (PGR student), Yin, W. (PI), Regan, A. (PGR student), Williams, K. (Researcher), Rana, S. (Researcher), Khalil, K. (PGR student), Hills, D. (PGR student), Whyte, C. (PGR student), Wang, C. (PGR student), Hodgskin-Brown, R. (PGR student), Dadkhahtehrani, F. (PGR student), Forster, S. (PGR student), Zhu, F. (PGR student), Yu, K. (PGR student), Xiong, L. (PGR student), Lu, T. (PGR student), Zhang, L. (PGR student), Lyu, R. (PGR student), Zhu, R. (PGR student), She, S. (PGR student), Meng, T. (PGR student), Pang, X. (PGR student), Zheng, X. (PGR student), Bai, X. (PGR student), Zou, X. (PGR student), Ding, Y. (PGR student), Shao, Y. (PGR student), Xia, Z. (PGR student), Zhang, Z. (PGR student), Khangerey, R. (PGR student) & Lawless, B. (Researcher)

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      Project: Research

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