Optimizing the Michaelis complex of trimethylamine dehydrogenase: Identification of interactions that perturb the ionization of substrate and facilitate catalysis with trimethylamine base

Jaswir Basran, Michael J. Sutcliffe, Nigel S. Scrutton

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    Recent evidence from isotope studies supports the view that catalysis by trimethylamine dehydrogenase (TMADH) proceeds from a Michaelis complex involving trimethylamine base and not, as thought previously, trimethylammonium cation. In native TMADH reduction of the flavin by substrate (perdeuterated trimethylamine) is influenced by two ionizations in the Michaelis complex with pKa values of 6.5 and 8.4; maximal activity is realized in the alkaline region. The latter ionization has been attributed to residue His-172 and, more recently, the former to the ionization of substrate itself. In the Michaelis complex, the ionization of substrate (pKa ∼6.5 for perdeuterated substrate) is perturbed by ∼-3.3 to -3.6 pH units compared with that of free trimethylamine (pKa = 9.8) and free perdeuterated trimethylamine (pKa = 10.1), respectively, thus stabilizing trimethylamine base by ∼2 kJ mol-1. We show, by targeted mutagenesis and stopped-flow studies that this reduction of the pKa is a consequence of electronic interaction with residues Tyr-60 and His-172, thus these two residues are key for optimizing catalysis in the physiological pH range. We also show that residue Tyr-174, the remaining ionizable group in the active site that we have not targeted previously by mutagenesis, is not implicated in the pH dependence of flavin reduction. Formation of a Michaelis complex with trimethylamine base is consistent with a mechanism of amine oxidation that we advanced in our previous computational and kinetic studies which involves nucleophilic attack by the substrate nitrogen atom on the electrophilic C4a atom of the flavin isoalloxazine ring. Stabilization of trimethylamine base in the Michaelis complex over that in free solution is key to optimizing catalysis at physiological pH in TMADH, and may be of general importance in the mechanism of other amine dehydrogenases that require the unprotonated form of the substrate for catalysis.
    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)42887-42892
    Number of pages5
    JournalJournal of Biological Chemistry
    Issue number46
    Publication statusPublished - 16 Nov 2001


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