Optogenetic inhibition of Delta reveals digital Notch signalling output during tissue differentiation

Ranjith Viswanathan, Aleksandar Necakov, Mateusz Trylinski, Rohit Krishnan Harish, Daniel Krueger, Emilia Esposito, Francois Schweisguth, Pierre Neveu, Stefano De Renzis*

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Spatio-temporal regulation of signalling pathways plays a key role in generating diverse responses during the development of multicellular organisms. The role of signal dynamics in transferring signalling information in vivo is incompletely understood. Here, we employ genome engineering in Drosophila melanogaster to generate a functional optogenetic allele of the Notch ligand Delta (opto-Delta), which replaces both copies of the endogenous wild-type locus. Using clonal analysis, we show that optogenetic activation blocks Notch activation through cis-inhibition in signal-receiving cells. Signal perturbation in combination with quantitative analysis of a live transcriptional reporter of Notch pathway activity reveals differential tissue- and cell-scale regulatory modes. While at the tissue-level the duration of Notch signalling determines the probability with which a cellular response will occur, in individual cells Notch activation acts through a switch-like mechanism. Thus, time confers regulatory properties to Notch signalling that exhibit integrative digital behaviours during tissue differentiation.

Original languageEnglish
Article numbere47999
JournalEMBO reports
Issue number12
Publication statusPublished - 5 Dec 2019


  • morphogenesis
  • Notch signalling
  • optogenetics
  • signal dynamics
  • tissue differentiation


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