Outcomes 1 year after a first episode of psychosis in migrants to the Republic of Ireland

Brian O'Donoghue, Eric Roche, John Lyne, Laoise Renwick, Mary Clarke

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


BACKGROUND: Migration is a robust risk factor for developing a psychotic disorder, yet there is a paucity of research on the outcomes of migrants who develop a psychotic disorder. Identifying sub-groups within FEP cohorts who have a poorer outcome, could assist in the development and delivery of more targeted interventions.

AIMS: There is a paucity of research on the outcomes of migrants who develop a psychotic disorder. This study aimed to evaluate a broad range of outcomes for those with a FEP who migrated to the Republic of Ireland, including: (i) symptomatic; (ii) functional; (iii) hospitalisation and (iv) engagement with psychosocial services.

METHODS: All individuals with a FEP aged 18 to 65 who presented between 01.02.2006 and 01.07.2014 were included. Structured and validated instruments were used to measure positive, negative, depressive symptoms and insight.

RESULTS: Of the 573 individuals with a FEP, 22.3% were first-generation migrants and 63.4% ( n  = 363) were followed up at 1 year. At this time, 72.4% of migrants were in remission of positive psychotic symptoms compared to 78.5% of the Irish born ( OR  = 0.84, 95% CI [0.50-1.41], p  = .51). In relation to negative symptoms, 60.5% of migrants were in remission compared to 67.2% of the Irish born ( OR  = 0.75, 95% CI [0.44-1.27], p  = .283). There was no difference in the severity of positive, negative or depressive symptoms between groups and there was a trend for the Irish born to have better insight ( p  = .056). The functional outcomes were similar across groups. One third of migrants were admitted to hospital compared to 28.7% of the Irish born ( OR  = 1.24, 95% CI [0.73-2.13], p  = .426). Just over half of both groups attended CBT and 46.2% of caregivers for migrants attended the psychoeducation programme, compared to 39.7% for the Irish born ( OR  = 1.30, 95% CI [0.79-2.16], p  = .306).

CONCLUSIONS: These findings demonstrate that migrants have broadly similar outcomes to the native-born populations, however there is still considerable scope for the outcomes for all individuals affected by psychotic disorders to be improved.

Original languageEnglish
JournalThe International journal of social psychiatry
Early online date21 May 2023
Publication statusE-pub ahead of print - 21 May 2023


  • Psychosis
  • migrants
  • outcomes
  • remission
  • schizophrenia


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