Overall survival (OS) in treatment (tmt) naive patients with unresectable stage III/IV (USIII/IV) melanoma: A systematic literature review and network meta-analysis (NMA)

S Kotapati, P Lorigan, C Verduyn, M Lees, K M Chin, J P Jansen

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Conference proceedingChapterpeer-review


    Background: Tmt with ipilimumab (IPI) & dacarbazine (DTIC) resulted in greater OS than DTIC alone (Robert et al., 2011) in tmt naïve patients with USIII/IV melanoma. Direct comparisons vs. other systemic therapies in first line are lacking. The objective was to compare OS of patients receiving systemic therapies, including IPI, for naïve USIII/IV melanoma based on randomized controlled trials (RCTs). Methods: A systematic literature search was performed to identify RCTs. Kaplan-Meier OS curves for each intervention (ITV) were digitized, survival proportions over time were obtained from these images, and data were combined with a NMA using the best fit survival distribution resulting in pooled survival proportions (SPs) and expected OS (mean OS). Results: 16 studies provided OS curves and allowed for a NMA of the ITV groups listed in the table. Populations were comparable across trials other than in the vemurafenib study that selected patients with a BRAF mutation. IPI with DTIC showed greater mean OS than other ITVs (Table). The short follow-up for vemurafenib (median 3.8 months, max 12 months) did not allow for valid comparisons. Conclusions: Results of this NMA suggests that mean OS is expected to be greater with IPI & DTIC than with other ITVs for the management of tmt naïve patients with USIII/IV melanoma. (Table Presented).
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationJournal of clinical oncology
    Publication statusPublished - 2012

    Publication series

    NameJournal of clinical oncology


    • dacarbazine
    • follow up
    • human
    • ipilimumab
    • melanoma
    • meta analysis
    • mutation
    • oncology
    • overall survival
    • patient
    • population
    • randomized controlled trial (topic)
    • society
    • survival
    • systemic therapy
    • vemurafenib


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