Owners' portfolio diversification and firm investment: Evidence from public and private firms

Evgeny Lyandres, Maria-Teresa Marchica, Roni Michaely, Roberto Mura

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionpeer-review


We demonstrate theoretically and empirically that firms' capital investment depends on portfolio diversification of their controlling owners. The effect of owners' portfolio diversification on firms' investment levels depends crucially on firms financial constraints: the investment-diversification relation is positive for relatively unconstrained firms and is negative for relatively constrained ones. Owner fixed-effects, a quasi-natural experiment, and instrumental variable analysis suggest that this result is not driven by potential endogeneity of owners' diversification. A matched-sample analysis, selection model, and an alternative measure of financial constraints show that our findings are also not driven by the endogeneity of our proxy for financial constraints.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationhost publication
Publication statusPublished - 2015
EventAmerican Finance Association - San Francisco
Duration: 3 Jan 20165 Jan 2016


ConferenceAmerican Finance Association
CitySan Francisco


  • diversification, strategies, private firms


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