Patterns of care and treatment outcomes in older patients with biliary tract cancer

AM Horgan, Mairead Mcnamara, P Aneja, LW Le, L McKeever, JJ Knox

    Research output: Contribution to conferencePoster


    Background: Although cancers of the biliary tree (BTC) are more common in older age-groups, treatment approaches and outcomes are understudied in this population. Methods: Data from 913 patients diagnosed with BTC from January 1987 to July 2013 and treated at Princess Margaret Cancer Center, Toronto were analyzed. The impact of age, patient and disease characteristics on survival outcomes were assessed. Results: Five hundred and ninety four patients ≤70 years and 319 patients >70 years were identified. Older patients were less likely to receive active therapy - 154 (26%) patients ≤70 yrs received best supportive care alone compared to 130 (41%) of those >70 yrs; p70 (n=189) Gender Female Male 210 (48%) 230 (52%) 82 (43%) 107 (57%) Site Distal Gallbladder Intrahepatic Perihilar 107 (24%) 127 (29%) 111 (25%) 95 (22%) 47 (25%) 62 (33%) 35 (19%) 45 (23 ECOG PS
    Original languageEnglish
    Publication statusPublished - 2014
    Event2014 Gastrointestinal Cancers Symposium - San Francisco
    Duration: 1 Jan 1824 → …


    Conference2014 Gastrointestinal Cancers Symposium
    CitySan Francisco
    Period1/01/24 → …


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