Patterns of Pap smear use in the Rimini area: an analysis of women's attitudes to the test.

Ian Pratt-Hartmann, A. Ravaioli, M. Scarpellini, C. Livi, F. Monti, F. Desiderio, A. Tononi, M. Nicolini

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapter


    The use of the Pap test is a method of the prevention of cervical cancer in our local division of the Sanitary Unit and has been studied with the help of a questionnaire which was completed by women who had adopted this test. The socioeconomic characteristics, level of education, occupation and general attitudes regarding the Pap test as well as how the women had acquired knowledge of the test, have all been examined. From an analysis of the answers, we have been able to trace a precise social, economic and cultural profile of the type of women who take advantage of this test. Principally, we are dealing with women aged 40-49 years, often with children, with a medium to low level of education, who are mainly housewives and white-collar workers. Very few elderly women present themselves for the Pap test. We have noticed that there is a direct decrease in the use of preventive methods, proportional to the increase in age. These results demonstrate that an erratic use of this preventive method, in the absence of an organized screening programme, seems only to involve women who are among those at less risk from cervical cancer.
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationEuropean journal of cancer prevention : the official journal of the European Cancer Prevention Organisation (ECP)|Eur J Cancer Prev
    Place of PublicationNotre Dame, IN
    PublisherUniversity of Notre Dame Press
    Number of pages5
    Publication statusPublished - Jul 1993


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