Permaculture: A Global Community of Practice

Benjamin Habib, Simin Fadaee

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Permaculture design seeks to create sustainable communities, and over time has established itself as a transnational community of practice. Based on original interviews with permaculture practitioners from around the world, and drawing on the three core elements of communities of practice – shared domain, communality and shared practices – as our analytical framework, this paper makes three arguments. First, the shared domain of permaculture as a body of knowledge, a system of ethics and set of practical design principles creates an overarching teleological regime that anchors the globally dispersed collective activities of permaculture practitioners. Second, communality in the international permaculture community is centred around the permaculture design course, national and international permaculture convergences, and organisa-tions and demonstration sites that act as hubs for practitioner interaction, linked across national borders by social media networks. Third, shared practices in the permaculture community centre on relationship-building and local-level community organisation.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)441-462
Number of pages22
JournalEnvironmental Values
Issue number4
Early online date10 Sept 2021
Publication statusPublished - 13 Jul 2022


  • Permaculture
  • community of practice
  • food
  • sustainability


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