Petrarch Digital Library: Early printed editions of Petrarch, 1470-1650

Guyda Armstrong, Julianne Simpson (Curator), Tony Richards (Photographer), Gwen Riley Jones (Photographer)

Research output: Non-textual formDigital or Visual Products


Digital library of early printed editions of Petrarch's vernacular works and Petrarch commentary held in the John Rylands Library of the University of Manchester, created as part of the AHRC-funded project Petrarch Commentary and Exegesis in Renaissance Italy, 1350-1650. Each printed edition has been fully digitized, and the viewer display provides a parallel detailed bibliographical description of the book-object, mapped to page images, with downloadable metadata and links to external research resources.
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationManchester
Media of outputOnline
Publication statusPublished - 28 Jan 2020


  • Petrarch
  • Rerum vulgarium fragmenta
  • Triumphi


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