Phospholipid analogue distribution in Capnocytophaga

David Drucker, D. B. Drucker, W. G. Wade, M. Abdi, N. M. Sayers, V. Boote, D. Law

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


    Polar lipids of nineteen previously characterised culture collection strains of Capnocytophaga were analysed using fast atom bombardment mass spectrometry (FAB MS) in negative mode. All strains examined had a major peak at m/z 241, consistent with the expected presence of the pentadecanoate anion. The most intense higher mass anions, consistent with expected presence of phospholipid molecular species, were as follows: m/z 574, 588, 618 and 662 which are consistent with presence of PE(24:2), PE(25:2), PE(27:1) and PE(30:0) respectively. Other anions putatively identified as phospholipid anions were: m/z 572, 578,592, 602, 604, 616 and 720 consistent with presence of PE(24:3), PE(24:0), PE(25:0), PE(26:2), PE(26:1), PE(27:2) and OHPE(33:0). Capnocytophaga isolates share a distinctive phospholipid fingerprint which appears to lack the somewhat higher mass phospholipid analogues observed in related oral bacteria. Within the genus, the profiles obtained showed only quantitative differences which did not correlate with previous studies.
    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)115-124
    Number of pages9
    JournalZentralblatt fuer Bakteriologie
    Issue number2
    Publication statusPublished - Apr 1999


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