Physical modelling of a step-graded AlGaAs/GaAs Gunn diode and investigation of hot electron injector performance

J. F. Amir, N. Farrington, T. Tauqeer, M. Missous

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Conference proceedingConference contribution


    This paper presents continuing work on the development of a novel physical model for an advanced GaAs Gunn diode with hot-electron injection. The device itself is commercially manufactured by e2v Technologies (UK) Ltd. for use in 77GHz automotive Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC) systems. A 2D model has been developed using SIL VACO. Simulated IV characteristics are presented and shown to match well with measured data over a range of temperatures. The relationship between doping spike carrier concentration in the injector and asymmetry in the device's IV characteristic is then examined and compared to measured data. © 2008 IEEE.
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationASDAM 2008 - Conference Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Advanced Semiconductor Devices and Microsystems|ASDAM - Conf. Proc. Int. Conf. Adv. Semicond. Dev. Microsystems
    Number of pages3
    Publication statusPublished - 2008
    Event7th International Conference on Advanced Semiconductor Devices and Microsystems, ASDAM 2008 - Smolenice
    Duration: 1 Jul 2008 → …
    http://<Go to ISI>://000263223200047


    Conference7th International Conference on Advanced Semiconductor Devices and Microsystems, ASDAM 2008
    Period1/07/08 → …
    Internet address


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