Post-earthquake fire performance of fire door sets

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This paper presents the results of an experimental cyclic and fire test program to investigate the fire performance
of fire door sets after experiencing simulated earthquake damage. The earthquake damage mimics that of a 35-
story tall residential benchmark building subject to design earthquake intensity level, inducing an inter-story
drift of 55 mm. Three earthquake-damaged 90-min rated fire door sets were subject to displacement
controlled quasi-static cyclic loading test at ambient temperature and then to standard fire resistance tests.
Results of cyclic load tests at ambient temperature reveal severe distortion of the fire door frames and excessive
gaps, notably at top corners. Results of the subsequent standard fire resistance tests show that the fire resistance
of the damaged fire door sets decreased by as much as 70%. The reduction can be attributed to large gaps due to
the distorted door geometry after seismic loading, substantial loosening of the door hinges and damaged intumescent
seals around the door. Maximum gap measurement of 8 mm between the door and door frame is
considered as the threshold above which the fire compartment is compromised, and fire door set replacement is
Original languageEnglish
Article number103589
JournalFire Safety Journal
Publication statusPublished - 2022


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