Power network reliability evaluation framework considering OHL electro-thermal design

Konstantinos Kopsidas, Chomba Tumelo-Chakonta, Carlos Cruzat

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    Utilities continually investigate ways to optimize the utilization of their existing plant and improve their network's flexibility and resiliency to future uncertainties. With respect to overhead lines (OHL), smart grid solutions aim to increase adequacy through the implementation of probabilistic thermal rating (PTR), dynamic thermal rating (DTR) or novel high temperature low sag (HTLS) conductor technologies. At present, the risks related to these particular solutions, both for the OHL plant and the power network, are not quantified. This paper presents a novel methodology for power network reliability evaluation which integrates a network level sequential Monte Carlo algorithm with a detailed modeling of OHL. This integration facilitates a holistic evaluation of power network reliability as it considers the properties of OHL design technologies and their associated ageing risks. As a result, the network performance (adequacy) and plant risks (ageing) introduced by increased OHL capacities through PTR, DTR, and HTLS solutions can be objectively quantified. An application of the methodology is demonstrated using the IEEE-RTS 96 network which is assessed considering PTR-based OHL capacities.
    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)2463 - 2471
    Number of pages8
    JournalI E E E Transactions on Power Systems
    Issue number3
    Publication statusPublished - 15 Jul 2015


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