Predicting quality of life for people living with HIV: International evidence from seven cultures

S. M. Skevington, S. Norweg, M. Standage

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


    The need for a validated quality of life (QOL) model focussing on people living with HIV/AIDS has led to an international re-evaluation and extension of the Chronic Illness Quality of Life model using complex latent modelling techniques. After reoperationalising six model variables and including independence and sex-life, the WHOQOL-HIV was administered to 1281 people with asymptomatic-HIV (42%), symptomatic-HIV (40%) or AIDS (18%; 34 years; 62% male) living in Australia, Brazil, India (north south), Italy, Thailand and Ukraine. The overall model fit was acceptable. Social inclusion did not directly improve QOL, but increased positive feelings, social support and perceived improvements of access to health and social care; all three improved QOL. Social inclusion increased perceived physical health indirectly through positive feelings. Better physical health improved sex-life and gave greater independence; both improved QOL. Gender and disease stage models were acceptable, fitting best for men and asymptomatic-HIV. Similar aspects of QOL were depleted for women and some disease stages. Increased social support did not consistently improve independence or positive feelings. Positive feelings improved the sex-life of men and those with asymptomatic-HIV. This cross-cultural approach combining assessment with theory, could guide future international interventions and practice. © 2010 Taylor & Francis.
    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)614-622
    Number of pages8
    JournalAIDS Care: psychological and socio-medical aspects of AIDS-HIV
    Issue number5
    Publication statusPublished - May 2010


    • CIQOL
    • Cross-cultural
    • HIV
    • Model
    • Quality of life


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