Prediction of dynamic contact angles and bubble departure diameters in pool boiling using equilibrium thermodynamics

K. H. Ardron, Giovanni Giustini, S.P. Walker

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A model is proposed for predicting dynamic contact angles and bubble departure diameters in pool boiling based on principles of equilibrium thermodynamics. The method is shown to give good agreement with experimental measurements for pool boiling over a wide range of pressures, liquid superheats and working fluids.

The model suggests that for fast-growing bubbles associated with boiling at high Jakob Numbers the bubble shape is dominated by fluid drag forces rather than surface tension forces, resulting in the bubbles having a predominantly hemispherical shape during growth. For slower-growing bubbles associated with lower Jakob numbers () surface tension forces appear to dominate over fluid drag forces, resulting in the bubbles adopting a spherical cap shape with a contact angle that remains close to the thermodynamic contact angle. This observation is in accordance with experiment.

The model implies that in high pressure boiling the thermodynamic contact angle for the system has a controlling influence on bubble departure sizes. Analysis of departure diameters in high pressure boiling of water supports the view that the thermodynamic contact angle is strongly dependent on temperature, and that it is this temperature dependence that is responsible for the small bubble departure sizes observed in high pressure boiling. Previous models of bubble departure have been unable to explain the pressure dependence of bubble departure size. A correlation of the thermodynamic contact angle against temperature for water is proposed.

The current model of bubble departure requires a means of calculating the bubble growth rate, as the latter determines the fluid drag forces acting on an attached bubble. A new predictive method for bubble growth is developed for this purpose, based on Scriven’s solution for conduction controlled bubble growth, with corrections to take account of non-uniform liquid superheat, microlayer evaporation, the effect of growth rate on the bubble shape, and the cooling effect of the microlayer on the heated surface. The predictive method gives satisfactory agreement with bubble growth data for a wide range of pool boiling experiments and also with results of microscale CFD simulations of the growth of individual bubbles.
Original languageUndefined
Pages (from-to)1274-1294
Number of pages21
JournalInternational Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer
Publication statusPublished - 2017

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