Predictive modelling of flow through porous microstructures

L. Margetts, S. McDonald, L.M. Lever, H. Calmet, G. Houzeaux, Paul Mummery

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Conference proceedingConference contributionpeer-review


    Micro-structurally faithful CFD models of materials with porous architectures can be created directly from three dimensional X-ray microtomography scans. These CFD models are typically very large and therefore require high performance computing facilities to solve the resulting system of equations. This paper presents results for a time dependent, low Reynolds number flow simulation through a volume of aluminum foam. Future work will use predictive modelling to help design new porous micro-architectures for specific application areas.
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationhost publication
    Publication statusPublished - 2011
    Event23rd International Conference on Parallel Computational Fluid Dynamics 2011 - Barcelona, Spain
    Duration: 16 May 201120 May 2011


    Conference23rd International Conference on Parallel Computational Fluid Dynamics 2011
    CityBarcelona, Spain


    • CFD, Tomography, Micro-structure, Porous solids


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